Technical details
Here you can find all the specifications of the ShouldCoster
Supported Processes
The ShouldCoster contains templates & calculators for the following processes. Our team is constantly working on adding new functionalities, any process that is not (yet) on this supported can be added manually using the custom templates & input fields.
Primary forming processes
- Diecasting
- Sandcasting
- CNC machining
- Forging
- Laser cutting
- Stamping
- Extrusion
- Injection molding
- Vacuum molding
- CNC machining
- Laser cutting
- Stamping
- Vacuum forming
- Extrusion
(expected end 2023)
Secondary processes and assembly
Form & Shape
- Laser cutting
- CNC machining
- Heat treatment T4/T5/T6
- Induction hardening
Cleaning & Inspection
- Washing
- Deburring
- Inspection (visual/optical/touch)
- Röntgen / X-Ray
- Electrical testing
Assembly & Finishing
- General assembly
- Helicoil placement
- Welding & Soldering
- Dip coating
- Spray painting
- Anodizing
- Plating (zinc, tin, nickel, etc.)
- Labeling, Printing & Engraving
Tooling cost calculators
- Diecasting
- Injection Molding
- Sandcasting
- Vacuum forming
- Vacuum Molding
- Stamping
Technical specifications
Latest version:
Application type:
Supported OS:
Functional (but not supported):
File sharing Integrations:
Licensing type(s):
Windows 10 & Higher / Linux
Mac OS X
MS Sharepoint / Google Drive
Company-Wide / Node-Locked