Create accurate and consistent shouldcosts to increase your margins and make well informed decisions!

The ShouldCoster is a software tool for intuitive product costing enabling users to calculate should-costs accurate & consistently. One costing solution for both Detailed Calculations and Rough Estimates.
Why shouldcosting?
Over 80% of product cost are fixed by design,
why wait with costing until the design is finished?
Our costing tools bring cost awareness throughout your organization
The ShouldCoster Modules
Module guide
Not sure which ShouldCoster module suits you?
Our modules can be used combined or separate. The modules have two different main goals. Raising cost awareness in your organization and creating detailed cost calculations. Depending on your organization one or both modules can be beneficial. See for two different use cases the examples below.
Still not sure if the ShouldCoster can fit your needs? Feel free to contact us or request a demo!

Parametric Cost Estimation
Do you recognize that after a long period of engineering, quotes from your suppliers often come as a negative surprise to you. During & after the design process, you would like to have a better feeling for manufacturing costs to decide what's best for your product. But how do you estimate product- & tooling costs? Especially when you don't have enough data to get a detailed estimate yet?
Detailed Cost Calculation
Do you recognize that while you are a knowledgeable cost engineer you often find yourself wasting time maintaining complex excel sheets or filling basic data into your costing model over and over again. Wouldn't it be great to have a clean & intuitive solution filling the basics and estimating standard processes for you, so you can focus on detailed & complex parts of your work?
The modules can be used combined or seperately!
About our software
Our activity-based costing module provides a clear & intuitive framework for calculating manufacturing cost in extensive detail. Whereas our parametric estimation module guides users to consistent first estimates of initial concepts.
No finished design yet? No problem! Just fill out the product-oriented questions in the quick-fill module, and let the software guide you to a consistent estimation.
Read all details of our software in our Brochure.

What can you expect from the ShouldCoster?

Specific and Accurate
- Extensive (secondary) process database
- Adjustable material and process parameters
- Manually add machines, materials, countries

Intuitive & Simple in Use
- Pre-fill variables
- Standard settings
- Modern & intuitive interface
- Easy installation
- Runs locally

Low Maintenance & Integrate
- Easy to maintain
- No extra server needed
- Integration with MS Sharepoint and Google Drive
- Excel import & export